Electronic wallet


Saman Electronic Payment is one of the leading companies in providing e-wallet services, which offers various products in formats such as mobile applications, web service, management panels and API, to many individuals, organizations, and groups in cooperation with Bahar Electronic Trade Company as a strategic partner. Dynamic and flexible technical infrastructure designed based on the latest API-based systems. It has turned this company into one of the first collections of integrated financial solutions based on public and dedicated mobile applications.

The designed technical structure is actually the infrastructure of all wallets receiving the services of this company, all the development and production processes of which are based on a centralized banking system (Core-Banking) and are owned and managed by this company. This infrastructure has enabled Sep to provide "anonymous" dedicated wallets with unique features desired by employers in the shortest possible time. All the necessary processes for customer and business management, cooperation with banks and payment service providers, service and API management, business rules management, comprehensive monitoring, security and external communications, are designed based on this system and in practice. The technical-banking construction has made the company one of its core capabilities.